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How To Access CastleOS from Outside Your Home Messages in this topic - RSS

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390

Chris Cicchitelli
Chris Cicchitelli
Posts: 3390
In order to access CastleOS from outside your home there is one setting on your home router that will need to be changed. It's called Port Forwarding, and it essentially tells your router to route a message received from the outside to the proper computer (i.e. the one running CastleOS) on the inside.

To do so, you'll need one piece of information first: the address of the computer CastleOS is running on. In order to get that address, please follow these steps:
1) click the start menu
2) type "cmd" (without quotes) in to the search box on the start menu, press enter when cmd.exe is displayed
3) when the Command Prompt opens, type "ipconfig" (without quotes) and press enter
4) look for the line that says "IPv4 Address", and write down the numbers listed

After this, you are ready to change the settings in your router. You will need to add port forwarding for only one port: port number 80, to be forwarded to the address you wrote down in step 4.

As each router has different configuration methods, it's impossible to list them all here, but thankfully there is a website that maintains step-by-step guides for most routers in existence: http://portforward.com/routers.htm

Please follow that guide to enable port forwarding for port 80 to the address you've listed.
edited by ccicchitelli on 5/9/2013
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